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Academic teaching staff from ENGAGE.EU partner universities are invited to apply for seed-funding for the development of joint teaching initiatives.  


The seed funding aims to encourage collaboration and innovation in teaching and learning within ENGAGE.EU through the development of joint educational offers across the alliance. 


Initiatives exploring the collaborative development of new courses and/or teaching formats can apply for seed funding up to €10,000.  Funding can be used for personnel costs, travel, meetings and events, for the production of course materials, training or similar.  


To qualify, the proposed teaching initiative must include colleagues from at least three partner universities in the alliance and be linked to the ENGAGE.EU mission.


Application deadline: 25 September 2024

Results are announced: early November 2024

Funding period: November 2024 to October 2026


For more information about how to apply, please see the Academic Initiative Incubator Seed Funding Guidelines. Academic teaching staff from NHH can contact their local ENGAGE.EU Incubator contact person Anika Seemann (anika.seemann@nhh.no) with further questions.


Information webinars will be held on 25 June 2024 from 14.00-15.00 (CET) and 12 September 2024 from 14.00-15.00 (CET). To register, please click here


This seed funding call forms part of the newly launched ENGAGE.EU Academic Initiative Incubator, which supports academic teaching staff across the alliance in the bottom-up development of new educational offers. For more information on the Academic Initiative Incubator and what support it provides, please click here