Conversation with Organization Science senior editor

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Time 13:00 - 14:30 CEST icon
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Dear all,

Tomorrow we will have a fully digital session with Ruthanne Huising on the topic: "The Publishing Process: Enriching the Experience of Authors, Reviewers, and Editors"

Organization Science is listed as ABS 4* and Ruthanne is currently a Senior Editor there. Please note that the talk is NOT specific to qualitative work, but will be tailored towards the journal.

So, if you are interested in Organization Science and would like to know more, please feel free to join. You can find Teams link below.

Introduction: Professor Ruthanne Huising is a Management and Organizations scholar & Director of the Work, Technology and Organization Research Center at EMLyon Business School, France. She studies professions and expertise in the context of regulatory and technological change, particularly the expert work involved in governing science and innovation, and the implications for scientists and technologists. Currently she is a Senior Editor at Organization Science and founder of the Ethnography Atelier. The Ethnography Atelier is a collaborative space that promotes ethnographic and other qualitative research in work and organizations. We organize on-line and off-line opportunities for researchers to discuss and develop each other’s work and share resources to foster engagement with a variety of qualitative methods.


Inger & Vidya

Department of strategy and management

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