Nordic Qualitative Research Forum

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NHN Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway
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Theme: Visualizing Qualitative Research

Keynote speakersDavide Ravasi, Helene Colman & Davide Nicolini

NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Fri. 5 May 2023

Have you ever struggled how best to present your data into Tables or boxes or pictures etc.? If so, you are not alone. And so, the general theme of this workshop is data visualization and aims to provide basic tools and ideas to get started. We will incorporate this within the keynotes as well as roundtables. 

This event is an opportunity to meet, exchange views, and learn from others and experts about data visualization for theory building, storytelling, and data analysis in qualitative research. The aim of the day is to offer a common platform for network/community building and gaining feedback. 

During the day, you will hear from some prestigious scholars, learn what others are working on, receive (and give) feedback on work in progress, and socialize with other like-minded colleagues.

Established scholars, early career researchers, and PhD students from all parts of the Nordic countries, and beyond are welcome to attend. 

The event is organized jointly by NHH Norwegian School of Economics (Inger Stensaker & Vidya Oruganti) and BI Business School.


Registration: To participate, please follow the Eventbrite link to register. As we have limited seats, registration will be closed after 60 participants.

Note: Participation is free, but places are limited to 60 participants on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Register here: Eventbrite Link


Paper Development Workshop: If you would like to receive feedback on your work in progress, please attach a one-page abstract explaining the topic, methodology, nature, and status of the piece of work (PhD chapter? Draft paper? Paper under revision?) to no later than 15th March 2023Full paper/extended abstract version for PDW roundtables expected for circulation by 5th April 2023