Online Colloquium on Gender

Date icon
Time 15:00 - 16:00 CET icon
Language English icon
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Online colloquia are academic webinars where we build research communities on interdisciplinary themes. There will be 1 or 2 presenters of a recent and relevant topic, after which we'll discuss the topic and its relevance for our own academic work. This meeting will be the fifth gathering for researchers interested in Gender Equality and Diversity, read the description below for an introduction. Feel free to join the meeting to explore this interesting theme!

Topic: Social Entrepreneurship in Restaurants from a gender perspective. A cross-case study in Mexico, Canada and Spain

Presenters: Daniela Freund and Itziar Ramirez Garcia (Universitat Ramon Llull) 

At our upcoming seminar, we will explore the critical role that Tourism Social Entrepreneurs (TSEs) play in driving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how we can better support minority and female entrepreneurs in this space. Despite being key players in purpose-driven business ventures, women and minority groups remain significantly underrepresented in entrepreneurial ecosystems. This issue is compounded by persistent gender biases that cut across sectors and countries, even though women are often more likely to initiate businesses focused on sustainability and community development. Our discussion will emphasize the need for targeted recovery strategies that promote gender equity, diversity, and a feminist ethic of care.

During this webinar we will also exchange experiences on (international) cross-case studies and opportunities for doing these within ENGAGE.EU