Open to Complexity: Symposium on Open Science in the Social Sciences and Humanities

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MindLabs (Locomotiefboulevard 101, 5041 SE in Tilburg)
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Open research practices are encouraged in academia today. Research needs to become more ‘open’ for interaction with stakeholders within and outside the protective walls of the university. For many fields, it is becoming clear what this practically entails: immediately start sharing hypotheses, data, codes, and research design.

But is it possible to practice Open Science when your academic discipline is not immediately associated with hypotheses, confirmatory statistics, and formulas? And how can open research practices be embraced while taking into account the potentially unintended yet harmful consequences? We intend to answer these questions at a one-day symposium for which any interested researcher or policy officer, at and outside of Tilburg, is invited to present or attend.


Find more information on: Open to Complexity: Symposium on Open Science in the Social Sciences and Humanities | Tilburg University