Philosophical perspectives on Sustainability and Law

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Philosophical perspectives on sustainability and Law





We are glad to announce the First LuBI (LUISS University, the University of Milano-Bicocca, and the University of Insubria) Jurisprudence Annual Forum (JAF), under the aegis of the Collège International de Philosophie-Université Paris Lumières.

This forum aims at providing an annual symposium dedicated to discussing key issues in the current legal-theoretical and legal-philosophical debate.

This first edition of the JAF will be hosted by LUISS University in Rome in Autumn 2023.  It is mainly open to young scholars who wish to present their current research in dialogue with senior academics as discussants. 


This First LuBI JAF will be dedicated to sustainability from a philosophical, ethical, and legal perspective. 


From a philosophical-ethical perspective, the discussion about sustainability is polarized between the anthropocentric and ecological views. To follow the anthropocentric perspective means to pursue two possible approaches: a utilitarian approach, which derives the duty to preserve nature, natural resources, and environment from the considerations of the consequences of an action; a deontological approach, which considers the duty to preserve nature, natural resources, and environment deriving from the reason itself. On the contrary, to follow the ecological view means to recognize nature as valuable in itself,  deriving the duty to act sustainably from the idea of nature.

All these approaches have pros and cons. What are the limits and the potential for change of the abovementioned approaches? What is the role of science in guiding these approaches? In this complex scenario, what is the role of law?

In the current European institutional scenario sustainability is also a keyword used to refer to different issues (for instance, climate change, digital and environmental transition). All the issues share the idea that environmental impacts need to be reduced and social and individual well-being need to be improved.

The law can contribute to shaping these transformations following various approaches. 

The human rights approach seems to reach general consensus both within the institutions, politicians, and lawyers. However, its implementation requires to widen the horizon from the domestic context to the sovranational level in order to properly tackle problems characterized by a transnational, transversal, and crossectoral nature. What are the opportunities and the risks of the human rights-based approach? Indeterminacy and difficulty of implementation are just some of the objections to the human rights approach. How can these objections be overcome? Are there relevant alternatives to this approach?

Analysis at the intersection of philosophical, ethical, and legal perspective will be highly welcome. 


A limited number of proposals will be accepted for the JAF on the basis of the following procedure. First, interested authors are asked to send their abstracts to for a blind peer selection within the given deadline. Second, the Authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to write a full article. Articles will be sent to discussants in the preparation for the debate in Rome. 


Location and date of the Jurisprudence Annual Forum


At the LUISS University, in Rome, on October 21st, 2023



  • Call opening: 1st April-5th June [extended deadline]
  • Call results: mid-June 2023



How to apply: 


  • Main areas of the papersclimate change; digital, environmental, transition; social sustainability; regulatory science; precautionary principle; intergenerational justice; climate justice; litigation strategy; Anthropocene.
  • Language: English
  • Abstract requirements: Title + abstract (max 250 words) + 3 keywords
  • Paper requirements: max 25000 characters
  • Sending deadline of the selected papers: 4th September
  • Email contact:


The Authors of the selected papers will be encouraged to send their texts to Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto (RIFD), a prestigious peer-review scientific journal, ranked A by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems). The RIFD will host a dedicate section to the JAF’s papers. In order to be published, all articles will undergo a review process according to the formal procedure of the Journal. 


Scientific Committee: Alessia Farano (LUISS Unviersity); Silvia Salardi (University of Milano-Bicocca); Michele Saporiti (University of Insubria; Collège International de Philosophie).