Symposium: From bricks to clicks: Challenges and opportunities of digital choice environments for healthy food choices

Date icon
Time 12:30 - 18:00 CET icon
MindLabs (Locomotiefboulevard 101, 5041 SE in Tilburg)
Language English icon
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The digital transformation of the food environment (e.g., supermarket websites and apps) presents both opportunities and threats regarding responsible consumption, particularly for promoting healthy food choices. In the past, digitalization has given rise to disparities resulting from a digital divide. Similarly, digital choice environments have shown potential for promoting healthy food choice, for example by personalised nudging, but these potential benefits have predominantly been reaped by individuals of higher socioeconomic position.


In this public symposium, organized to mark the launch of the DIGIQUITY4HEALTH project, speakers will outline key developments in digital food retailing, and address the transition from physical to digital choice environments and their implications for healthy food choices. Specifically, speakers will introduce 'just-in-time nudges': personalized and timely prompts or interventions designed to influence individuals' decisions and behaviours at the moment when they are making a choice. 

Furthermore, ethical issues associated with the use of such technologies will be explored. In alignment with the DIGIQUITY4HEALTH project's focus, speakers will consider the inclusivity and effectiveness of digital interventions among vulnerable groups and people lower in socioeconomic position. 

During the panel sessions, we will engage with stakeholders from both research and practice to discuss the practical implementation of these technologies and the factors crucial for achieving adoption and effectiveness among individuals with diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

Audience: This symposium is targeted at researchers and professionals in the health promotion field, consumer behaviour & retail, and HealthTech. For example, academic and applied researchers, representatives from health organisations, R&D, product, brand, nutrition and health managers, innovation managers, business developers, and nutritionists are welcome, as well as anyone else whose interest is caught by the topic.