Mariana Mourgova

University of National and World Economy

Associate Professor

Methodological expertise
Quantitative methods
Teaching experience
Bachelors level
Masters level
PhD level

Professional experience

2018 – present: Associate Professor, Department for Statistics and Econometrics, University of National and World Economy (UNWE), SofiaBulgaria

2006 – 2018:  Assistant Professor, Department for Statistics and Econometrics, University of National and World Economy (UNWE), SofiaBulgaria

2002 – 2006:  0, Center for Population Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

2000 – 2002: PhD student, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), Rostock, Germany

1997 – 2000:  PhD student, Institute for Demography, BulgarianAcademy of Sciences

1996 – 1997: Statistician, Department for Financial Analysis and Forecasting, Ministry of Finance, Sofia



2005:  PhD in Statistics and Demography, UNWE, Sofia


1996: Master's degree in Statistics and Econometrics, UNWE, Sofia



2003:  RTN Doctoral Research Fellow, Institut National Etudes Démographiques (INED), Paris, France



2005: Joint IUSSP/MPIDR Summer School “Frontiers of Demographic Research on Mortality and Longevity”, MPIDR, Rostock, Germany

2001:  RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, USA, Mini-Medical School for Demographers and Economists & Demography, Epidemiology and Economics of Aging



Member of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)

Member of the Working Group “Health, morbidity, and mortality”, European Association of Population Studies (EAPS)

Member of EAPS

Member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria

Member of Eastern-European Ageing Societies in Transition (EAST) Research Network, Oxford Institute of Ageing

GBD Collaborator, IHME, University of Washington



Mourgova, M., M. Sugareva, V. Pavlova, V. Bozev & I. Raycheva (2024). Risk of poverty and social exclusion in Bulgaria. UNWE University Press (in Bulgarian)

Tosheva, E., M. Mourgova, V. Pavlova, R. Pandurska & A. Dimov (2021). Active ageing –health, social and economic determinants. UNWE University Press (in Bulgarian)


Mourgova, M. (2017). Health status of old population in Bulgaria. Balcan Publishing Company, Sofia (in Bulgarian)



Mourgova, M. Handbook in Statistics, 1st Ed., UNWE University Press, 2015 (in Bulgarian)

Mourgova, M. Handbook in Statistics, 2nd Ed., UNWE University Press, 2016 (in Bulgarian)


Book Chapters

Sugareva, M., & Mourgova, M. (2021). Statistics in the Mathematics Curricula in Bulgaria. In E. Espinosa (Ed.), Developing Mathematical Literacy in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (pp. 99-123). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-3868-5.ch005


Sugareva, M., & M. Mourgova (2020). Poverty in Bulgaria and Other EU Countries: A Comparative Study. In: Akkucuk, Ulas (Ed). Handbook of Research on Creating Sustainable Value in the Global Economy. IGI Global, 1-562. Web. 20 Dec. 2019. http: doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1196-1


Selected publications and presentations

1. Zafeiris, K., M. Mourgova (2024). One vicinity, two neighbors, and two different stories: a comparison of mortality experiences in Greece and Bulgaria since the 1960s, Journal of Balkan Studies. Vol. IV, Issue 2

2. Sugareva, M., M. Mourgova. (2021). What are the real demographic problems of Bulgaria. Staistika (Statististics), National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria, Issue 3 (in Bulgarian)

3. M. Sugareva, M. Mourgova (2021). For the need to increase statistical literacy and culture. Staistika (Statististics), National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria, Issue 1 (in Bulgarian)

4. Mourgova, M. Active ageing and active ageing index (2019). In: Scientific works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Plovdiv. Series А. Public sciences, art and culture. Vol. V, ISSN 1311-9400 (Print); ISSN 2534- 9368 (in Bulgarian)

  5. Mourgova, M. (2018). Gender differences in life expectancy with chronic disease in old age in Bulgaria. Economic alternatives, Issue 1, pp. 29-34

6. Sugareva M., M. Mourgova (2018). School Education in Statistics in Bulgaria – a prerequisite for the statistical literacy of the population. Proceeding of the 47th conference of the Union of Mathematicians in Bulgaria “Mathematics and mathematical education”. Borovetz, April 2-6, 2018

7. Sugareva M., M. Mourgova (2018). The teaching material in Probabilities and statistics in the curricula of secondary education in Bulgaria. Conference of the Union of Mathematicians in Bulgaria “Pedagogical and Technological Aspects of Educational Computer Games”. Plovdiv, June 1-2, 2018. (in Bulgarian) 

8. Mourgova, M. (2017). Life expectancy and socio-demographic index at the European Union countries. In: Directions and problems in application of statistics, informatics, and mathematics in social science. Proceedings from the National Scientific Conference – UNWE, UNWE University Press, pp. 75-80 (in Bulgarian)

9. Mourgova, M. (2016). Demographic ageing of the population in Bulgaria, European Journal of Social Sciences, Education and Research, Vol. 6, Nr.2, Jan-Apr., pp.216-224

10. Mourgova, M. (2016). The Impact of avoidable mortality on the life expectancy in Bulgarian population, European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 4, Nr.2, Jan-Apr., pp.279-283

11. Mourgova, M. (2016). Health status of old-age population in Bulgaria, European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 6, Nr.1, Sep-Dec., pp.126-131

12. Mourgova, M. (2015). Population ageing and cause-specific mortality among old population in Bulgaria. In: Developments in Statistics and Information Technologies, UNWE, University Press. (in Bulgarian)

13. Mourgova, M. (2012). Demographic consequences of population ageing in Bulgaria. In: Research Methods and Techniques in Economic and Social Sciences, University Press “Paisii Hilendarski”, pp.131-140 (in Bulgarian)

14. Mourgova, M. (2012). Health status of Bulgarian population (2001-2008). In: Statistics, Information technologies, and Communications, UNWE University Press, pp.297-303 
15. Mourgova‚ M. (2009). Socioeconomic‚ demographic and health differentials in self-rated health among female population in Bulgaria. In: Natural Sciences and Humanities,22 Vol. XII‚ pp. 274-278 (in Bulgarian)
16. Mourgova, M. (2008). Social Inequality in Health among Old Population in Bulgaria. European Population Conference”Migration and Migrants in Europe”, Barcelona, 9 – 12, July, 2008

17. Mourgova, M. (2007). Comparative Analysis of Healthy Life Expectancy in Bulgaria, In: Proceedings of the International Conference”Recent Problems of the Statistical Theory and Practice”, Ravda, Bulgaria (in Bulgarian)

18. Mourgova, M. (2007), Mortality in Bulgaria and Selected European Countries (1990-2004), In: “Natural sciences and the humanities”, House of Scientists, Vol. VIII, pp.200-203 (in Bulgarian)

19. Mourgova, M. (2006), Trends in Mortality in Europe: What Might be Expected in Future, European Population Conference “Population Challenges in Aging Societies”, Liverpool, UK, 21-24 June

20. Mourgova, M. (2005), Cause-Specific Mortality in Bulgaria and the Balkan Countries (1990-2003), Workshop on Patterns of morbidity and mortality by cause of death as a reflection of social inequality, INED, Paris, France, 7 – 9 Sept

21. Mourgova, M. (2005), Tendencies in Male Mortality and the Effectiveness of Healthcare in Transition Period to Market Economy, In: “European Future of Bulgaria and Population Development”, pp. 171-181 (in Bulgarian)

22. Carlson, E.М. Mourgova (2003), “Demographic consequences of social inequality in pregnancy outcomes”. Genus, LIX, n. 2, pp. 11-28

23. Carlson, E., M. Mourgova (2002). Social Inequality in Reproductive Loss. Population Association of AmericaAtlanta, USA

24. Carlson, E., M. Mourgova (2001). Social Disadvantage and Excess Involuntary Reproductive Loss. Southern Demographic AssociationMiami Beach, USA

25. Mourgova, Mariana (2003). Influence of the Main Causes of Death on Life Potential of Bulgarian Population (1965-1999)Naselenie (Population), N. 1-2, pp.56-67 (in Bulgarian)


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