Research Ethics

Research Ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) focuses on the ethical challenges that guide responsible research in today’s rapidly evolving scientific landscape. As data availability and advanced tools continue to outpace legal frameworks, the need for ethical practices has never been greater. This thematic group explores key issues such as integrity, transparency, social impact, inclusivity, and accountability, aiming to prevent misconduct and foster responsible research. RRI fosters interdisciplinary collaboration to ensure innovation aligns with societal values and promotes the public good. By exchanging ideas and experiences, we aim to shape a more responsible and sustainable future for science and innovation.

Related SDGs

GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Collaboration Opportunities

Collaboration Groups




By Heather Jean A… icon

Advancing Sustainable Solutions: Insights from the ENGAGE.EU Think Tank 2024

The ENGAGE.EU Think Tank serves as an annual event dedicated to fostering collaborative research among the nine ENGAGE.EU partners and propelling academic inquiry forward on pressing global challenges. The third installment was held from 11 – 15 March in Bergen, Norway. NHH Norwegian School of Economics hosted the event, drawing nearly 30 researchers from various disciplines to explore the intricacies of “Leading the green transition: Advancing research for sustainable value creation.”

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